話說我們艋舺教會尤正義牧師的口才甚佳,我很喜歡聽他說舊約聖經故事,除了上次這篇《機弦甩石》中所提及的大衛王之外,摩西的《出埃及記》更是他證道常拿來引述的題材之一。出埃及記16章提到 嗎哪(Manna),Exodus 16:4「The LORD told Moses, “Listen very carefully! I’ll cause food to rain down for you from heaven, and the people are to go out and gather each day’s portion on that day. In this way I’ll test them to demonstrate whether or not they’ll live according to my instructions. 」、Exodus 16:31「The Israelites called the food manna. It was white like coriander seed, and it tasted like honey wafers.」牧師舉這個例子的用意是強化會眾們的信心。話鋒一轉:「世上有不少這樣的人,覺得老天總會莫名其妙的眷顧,但事實上不是腦袋被蘋果敲一下就能變牛頓,更不可能跳懸崖就能得到武功秘笈。天上不會掉餡餅,天助自助者,自助人恆助之…」
雖說 honey wafers 不會無緣無故從天上掉下來,不過掉食物下來倒是曾發生過,例如:
二、Raining Sugar